與食品安全聯盟 (FSC)攜手促進全球食品安全!




與我們分享您面對的技術挑戰,並通過浸大和FSC的全球網絡取得相關的技術諮詢和最尖端的專業知識。 會員可通過不同的模式與FSC合作,並參與有關食品安全的各類活動和研發項目,為社會提供更安全的食品。






通過參與FSC的活動,與政府和其他資助機構的代表會面,了解各類促進食品業研發項目的資助, 選擇最適合您的方案。


成為FSC的公司會員並不需要會員費用 - 會員的主要責任是透過參與我們的活動,積極與我們分享您的技術需求。會籍年期為五年,而每間公司會員最多可提名三名企業代表加入FSC 的通訊名單。


如有意加入FSC,請在此網站直接提交FSC公司會員申請表。 申請被成功審核後您將會收到FSC的正式通知。

上申請表 ​​​​​​​   (只提)

Nomination of Corporate Representative

The Corporate Representative is expected to be actively engaged in food safety discussions and share with us on technology needs and other challenges.

Additional Contact Person(s) Optional

Only complete this part if you would like FSC to also copy the communications to up to two other members of your company.

Use of Information

FSC constantly shares with food safety stakeholders such as the industry, academia, government, associations, supranational bodies and the like about our engagement and efforts. Your company's participation in FSC may also be shared. Please be assured that confidential project information, if any, will not be disclosed to third parties without prior agreement. Please contact us in case you have any concerns.

FSC intends to use your company / organizations' name and / or logo in promotional materials, such as webpages, websites, flyers, brohures, or other promotional channels to indicate our Corporate Membership status and participation. Please indicate your preference below.

Personal Data Collection Statement

The personal data collected in this application form will be used by the RIO and FSC for purposes relating to your participation in our initiatives. If you choose to continue to receive direct marketing communications from us, we will retain your personal information (i.e. name, job title, department, company/organization, email address, contact numbers and correspondence address) in our database and may use this information for future direct marketing purpose such as inviting you to events and activities, sending you promotional materials, etc.

If at any time you would like us to cease sending you promotional materials or would like to update your personal information, please contact us by sending an email to connect@fschk.org.


